Coming October 13

Magica Book I Rise of the Cult

Free Printable Coloring Book based on the novel when you sign up. Scroll down.

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    Urban Fantasy's grown up. Now it's got kids to raise and bills to pay.

    And you thought fighting evil was hard...

    Maggie Towne is the Magica, the most powerful witch in the world. It's her job to protect all supernaturals and magic. But Maggie's also a mom with kids and her own problems. On a dark and stormy night trouble comes knocking. Evil threatens to destroy everything Maggie is trying to protect. Can she stop it before it tears apart Maggie's family and upsets the balance of the world of magic? Find out by getting your copy today when you click here.

    In celebration of the October 13 release of Magica Book I Rise of the Cult, receive a free printable coloring book based on the novel when you join my newsletter and community. Keep current on the world of Magica at E.S. Magill.