Books, Books & More Books! It's a Reader's Market!


The Books, Books, Books, & More Books Issue

It's a Reader's Market out there!

August 28, 2023

"Here’s to books, the cheapest vacation you can buy."
~ Charlaine Harris
"If a book is worth reading, it is worth buying."
~ John Ruskin
"When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes."
~ Desiderius Erasmus
"It isn’t what the book costs. It’s what it will cost you if you don’t read it."
~ Jim Rohn

Hello Reader,

Welcome to the Books & More Books Issue

Books are my life. When I was a kid, we couldn't afford to buy them, but I had school and public libraries where I felt I owned every book there.

When I started teaching full-time, I was able to buy books, lots of books. Here's a shot of my home library. My shelves are deep so paperbacks can be stacked three deep and hardcovers two deep. But my library could've been bigger. Unfortunately, I don't have all the books I've ever purchased in the past 25+ years because I followed the insane advice of reducing "clutter." My heart mourns all those lost books. I hope they found good homes.

This library is an investment and I spent a lot. But the indie publishing world has made this a reader's market and you can get your hands on free and discounted ebooks, and no physical shelf limitations!

Read on to discover what I mean.


  • Welcome to the Books! Issue
  • Newsflash: Marsha's Interview
  • A Reader's Market
  • More Reader Sites for Books
  • Kindle Unlimited

News Flash: Check out Marsha DeFilippo's interview by clicking HERE. Marsha is a member of our writing group Wily Writers (, started by Angel Leigh McCoy and includes me, Loren Rhoads, Marsha (of course), Yvonne Navarro, Weston Ochse, and a bunch of other great writers.

A Reader's Market

The indie publishing boom has created so many websites that benefit readers and writers. Sites like BookSweeps and BookBub provide free and discounted books to readers. Why? Marketing for solo writers is expensive. These sites help writers promote their books collectively, making marketing very affordable for writers. This means readers can easily and inexpensively find new writers to read, and writers can find new readers.

Here's an example of a promo I have a book in, Reveal Your Wings which is about how I overcame depression. The promo's a contest, and the winner gets a free e-reader and books. And no, it's not a scam. Writers pay to enter their book into the promotion and what we get is exposure to readers. It's a win-win for writers and readers.

So click on the link and check it out!

More Reader Sites for Books

Reader, let me introduce you to some of my favorite Reader Sites. Other than buying books, you can support your favorite authors by clicking FOLLOW on these sites.

This is My Book Cave. I love this site as a writer and a reader.

BookBub features books by the big publishers plus indie authors. If you were to FOLLOW a writer on just one site, choose BookBub. They really help writers out a lot. So click Follow. Thanks!

Here are more contests by BookSweeps. Click on the link and then scroll down to Mystery Book Giveaway. My friend and daily writing partner Angel Leigh McCoy has a book in this one.

Kindle Unlimited

All of these sites mentioned above are free for Readers to join, but here I'd like to introduce you to Kindle Unlimited. I'm always shocked by the number of people who don't know about this Amazon reading subscription. You don't need a Kindle reader to use the Kindle reading app. Download the Kindle app to all your devices: your computers; your phones; your tablets. The subscription rate is about $12 a month.

Read! And Read More!

I hope you found all this info helpful and useful. So enter those contests and spend your hard-earned money on fabulous books, or get free ones.

Thank you, Reader! See you in a few weeks for a major announcement.

Count down to 2023-10-13T07:01:00.000Z

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E.S. Magill

E.S. Magill is a writer of horror and dark fiction. She has edited three anthologies, Haunted Mansion Project Year One, Deep Cuts, and Wily Writers Presents Tales of Foreboding. She served as the Reviews Editor for Dark Wisdom magazine, where she also wrote the column “The Dark Librarian.” Her first novel comes out in 2023. She lives in Phoenix with her husband Greg and a bunch of cars and books.

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